You will receive an email shortly which will contain the details of this transaction.
You will also receive an email containing a unique link. Click on that link in the email to complete your paid membership or course registration.
Please check your Spam folder for the unique link to complete your access.
*****If you cancel your recurring payment BEFORE setting up your login details, your account will be considered INACTIVE instead of ACTIVE and the unique link will not work. Please log into your account before canceling to avoid this issue.***
**Please check your SPAM and Promotion folders for the unique link email**
How to Get Started
- Grab your favorite drink and get comfy 🙂
- Register by creating a username and password using the unique link in the email that was sent to you (check your Spam folder if you don’t see it right away!).
- Craft & Create Club Members – Head here to check out the DIY videos.
- If you signed up for a course, go here to view my courses.
- Say HI in the forum.
- Subscribe BELOW to receive email notifications when new content is added.
I’m so happy you are here!
You may cancel your subscription at any time by canceling your recurring payment in your PayPal account. If you cancel less than three (3) days prior to the automatic renewal day for your subscription, your subscription will continue as scheduled and your cancellation will take effect in the following period.